Living Landscapes Presentations

Fort St. John (May 27-29, 2004)

The Northern Lights College and the Royal British Columbia Museum hosted a three-day event for the Living Landscapes Projects in the Peace River-Northern Rockies Region. The P.R.P.R.C. staff made several short presentations to  several groups of school children at a fossil display booth and also answered a variety of questions about B.C. dinosaurs and other fossils.

There was also a formal slide presentation given to a large audience on the T.R.M.F.'s dinosaur excavation project which was partially funded through the Royal British Columbia Museum's Living Landscapes Project.

P.R.P.R.C. palaeontologist Lisa Buckley answers questions from school children at the fossil display booth.


P.R.P.R.C. palaeontologist Rich McCrea gives a lecture on British Columbia's first dinosaur excavation.